The Origins and The Physical Characteristics of Apitong

March 09, 2022

What Is Apitong and Where Do They Come From?
Apitong or Keruing is a tree species of the genus Dipterocarpus. This genus includes more than 70 species that grow around the equator of Southeast Asia. Around 38 species of Apitong trees grow in Indonesia. This makes Indonesia is the largest producer of Apitong.

What Does Apitong’s Physical Appearance Look Like?

Apitong/Keruing species offer a wide range of color variability. The sapwood is grey-brown, distinct and separated from the red brown or purple red brown heartwood, the sapwood may have yellow or greyish tinges and darkens with age and on exposure. The heartwood varies between species and is usually red-brown to dark brown, sometimes purple. Variations include deep-pink, orange-pink, purple-red.